When it comes to ensuring quality service delivery, a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an essential document for any business. It outlines the responsibilities and roles of both parties, setting a standard for the level of service to be provided. An SLA is especially important when engaging third-party service providers, including software vendors, IT service providers, and other service providers.

In this article, we will be providing an example of a Service Level Agreement to give you an idea of what it should contain and how it can be structured.


The introduction should clearly define the services that are being provided and the parties involved. It should also include the date on which the agreement takes effect.

Service Description

The service description in the SLA should describe in detail the services that will be provided. This should include the specific tasks that the service provider is responsible for, and the expected level of service.

Service Availability

The Service Availability section outlines the expected uptime for the services being provided. This section should clearly state the expected percentage of uptime, and the procedures for handling downtime or any other service disruptions.


The support section of the SLA should detail the support that will be provided to the customer by the service provider. This should include the specific support channels that will be available, and the hours of operation for each of these channels.

Service Level Goals

This section should detail the specific goals for each service level metric. This includes response time, resolution time, and uptime metrics, among others.

Service Level Reporting

The Service Level Reporting section should specify the reporting requirements for the service provider. This should include the frequency of reporting, the types of metrics that will be reported, and the format of those reports.

Penalties and Remedies

The Penalties and Remedies section should detail the penalties that will be imposed in the case of failure to meet the SLA goals. It should also include the remedies that will be provided to the customer if the service provider fails to meet the agreed-upon goals.


In conclusion, a Service Level Agreement is crucial for ensuring that both parties understand the services being provided and the expectations for service delivery. This example SLA can serve as a guide for crafting your own SLA, tailored to your specific needs and services. By taking the time to create and maintain an SLA, businesses can ensure quality service delivery, minimize downtime, and build trust with their customers.