The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted virtually all aspects of daily life, including the rental market. As a result, landlords and tenants are navigating uncharted territory, with many entering into rental agreements with a “coronavirus clause.” This clause is designed to address specific issues related to the pandemic and how it impacts the rental agreement.

What is a coronavirus clause?

A coronavirus clause is a provision in a rental agreement that addresses how the tenant and landlord will handle specific issues related to the pandemic. The clause may include language related to rent payments, lease terminations, and health and safety measures.

Why is a coronavirus clause necessary?

The pandemic has caused significant economic hardship, with many individuals losing their jobs or experiencing a reduction in income. As a result, tenants may struggle to pay rent, leading to disputes with landlords. A coronavirus clause can help alleviate some of these tensions by outlining how rent payments will be handled during times of financial hardship.

Additionally, the pandemic has raised concerns about health and safety. A coronavirus clause can establish protocols for cleaning and disinfecting shared areas such as hallways and elevators, as well as outlining expectations for social distancing and mask-wearing in common areas.

What should a coronavirus clause include?

A coronavirus clause should be tailored to the specific needs and concerns of the landlord and tenant. However, some key provisions may include:

Rent payment: The clause should outline how rent payments will be handled if the tenant experiences financial hardship due to the pandemic. This may include rent deferral or payment plans.

Lease termination: The clause should address how the lease will be terminated if the tenant or landlord becomes ill with COVID-19 or is ordered to self-quarantine.

Health and safety protocols: The clause should outline how the landlord will ensure the health and safety of tenants, including cleaning and disinfecting shared spaces and enforcing social distancing guidelines.


The coronavirus pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the rental market. However, a coronavirus clause can help landlords and tenants navigate these challenges, establishing clear expectations and protocols for how they will address issues related to the pandemic. It is important for landlords and tenants to work together to create a clause that meets everyone`s needs and concerns. By doing so, they can avoid disputes and maintain a positive renting experience during these difficult times.